Di Leo Immobiliare


Ascoli Piceno, San Benedetto del Tronto

€ 66.000Code 6496

SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO - PORTO D'ASCOLI - Approximately 2 km from the motorway and in a commercial and office area, a laboratory of 145 m2 consisting of a main entrance onto which three rooms respectively used as warehouse, archive and closet overlook, a corridor which leads to three laboratories, a pair of toilets with anteroom, an office, another closet and a secondary entrance with a waiting room communicating with one of the laboratories.Ref. 6496 DiLEoImmobiliare

Main details

  • Price€ 66.000
  • Sq.m145
  • Local9
  • Energy ClassG
  • IPE175 Kwh/mq annuo

Additional details

  • OwnershipFull property
  • ConditionDecent
  • ClassificationMedium


  • Air Conditioner  Autonomous
  • Heating System  Air
  • Electrical System  To be checked
  • Sewerage System 
  • Hydraulic System  To be checked


  • Sea/lake1,5 km
  • Highway1 km
  • Transportation1 km
  • Services100 mt
  • Parking10 mt

Sono presenti altre 1 planimetrie, clicca sull'immagine principale e scorri per vederle tutte

Code 6496

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